How working with a writing coach can spark creativity in teenagers.

When I was in junior high school, I won a writing contest. It was in the eighth grade, if I recall, and it was a short story contest with a small cash prize. I don’t remember what the story was about, and I don’t remember how much I won. But in that little school contest, a seed was planted and a writer’s career was started.
I wasn’t much into team sports outside of summer softball. I took piano lessons, but I didn’t like practicing. I took gymnastics and fencing lessons for a time and spent quite a while in theatre clubs, being wonderfully dramatic. I was a Girl Guide and in summers I tiptoed into a chilly lake for swimming lessons on the front crawl and breast stroke. I had been given room in my life for as many pursuits a child in the rural area where I was raised could be expected to have.
But what I didn’t have was a space for words. For stories. When English class became more about spelling lessons and book reports than plot and character development, I missed out on something I would later search many years for: a space for writing.
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Working with a writing coach will help young writers value their words earlier than I did. In fact, it took me years — even as I spent my career telling stories as a reporter and editor — to respect the stories I want to tell.
I will help young writers create their own space and develop a habit of storytelling through exploring character, plot and world building. I will help them grow a regular routine of writing, using ongoing prompts and techniques for revising their work. I will encourage them to take the space their stories deserve.
I look forward to working with you! Get in touch on email, or find me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.